<div class="cool-menu">
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The BBC are the oldest and largest local and global broadcaster by stature and by number of employees.

I spent 10 months working for them across Web, Mobile & CTV but this case study focusses on the audio play experience.

I worked on this alongside another UI Designer who focussed on Web & a UX Designer who helped me up to the wireframes.

user experience • PRoduct • USER INTERFACE • Strategic thinker • Creative Problem Solver • Creative Direction • Strategic thinker •

<!-- intro -->

I worked on the BBC Mobile app for 10 months in total, I came into an existing design system using Tokens Studio, multiple libraries & external files.

I helped out where I could, picked up other designers work, helped do accessbitility audits and re-constructed the design system.

Then I was trusted to lead the design for the audio play experience.

Sticking with the brand


Have you tried clicking the eyes yet?

BBC-X's brand guidelines are very strong & regimented, so it was a challenge to think outside the box whilst staying within certain restraints.

Here are the wireframes that I had to work with, the brief? Make something happen.

<!-- wireframes -->

How do make this interesting?


BBC has some very strong restrictions around colour, border radius, everything as you'd expect from the household name.

We thought that maybe the colour could come from the artwork itself, this would inject a bit of life to the app whilst keeping within the set rules.

<!-- problem solving-->

Full Colour.

The Idea behind this one was to take the most prominent colour from the artwork and use it for the background on the modal & mini player.

We all love a Gradient, right?

The next idea was to take that colour but work it more into the brand as a gradient, this also helps solve accessibitlity issues further down the line.

Blur. Song 2. Woo-hooo!

This idea was the simplest way to get colour involved without having to try have a bespoke colour picker for every artwork, the simple option.


1 - All Colour, No Frills

This concept relies on a colour picker to select the most prominent part of the artwork and use that as the background colour, unforunately this lead to accessibility issues.

2 - Gradients

Accessbilitiy was the issue with the first option, this version meant using a darker gradient to still have a contrast for the features whilst still being able to incorporate some colour from the artwork.

3 - Blur

Having an image blur was a much easier way to get the colour effect than having to go through a colour picker working out accessibility issues.


Due to the nature of BBC's branding, paired with being the easiest solution from a development perspective, we went with the blur solution.

Next up, we had to design the episode, series & brand pages using this visual treatment.

<!-- final solution-->

Brand, Series, Episode


The majority of the audio play experience had been designed by this point so it was now about refining screens, working out functionality, interactions for the modal & mini player.

But, don't forget the small things, we still had the playback speed, up next queue, sleep timer & overflow menus to design.

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Up Next

The user needs to be able to view, edit & update their queue.

Playback Speed

User research told us that some people like to listen to, specifically podcasts, at a certain speed so we had to create a playback speed slider.

Sleep Timer

Research also told us that lots of people use apps like BBC sounds to help them sleep at night, so we included a sleep timer feature.

Overflow menu

Finally we have the overflow menu where the user can share, follow, save or download episodes & podcasts.

and that's all folks


The final part of the project as a UI Designer is around documentation, interaction.

All the final screens have been completed but this is where the padawan becomes the master...or the designer becomes the user interface designer.

<!-- the cleanup -->

OPening & Closing Modal

Text Scroll


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